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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #99833

    > Other Italian exercises on the same topics: Adverbs | Prepositions [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adverbs - Articles, prepositions and prepositional articles - Adverbs: places - 'ci' / 'ne' - Quantity - Prepositions 'da' / 'di' - Verbs with prepositions - Adverbs: places
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    Adverbs of time and prepositions

    Adverbs of time and prepositions

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    Italian exercise "Adverbs of time and prepositions" created by maline with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from maline]
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    1. C'è stata la guerra del Golfo nascita di Paolo.

    2. La guerra del Golfo è cominciata

    3. Paolo è vissuto a Trieste.

    4. La città di New York viene devastata da un violento attentato, grandi festeggiamenti degli anni 2000.

    5. I genitori di Paolo si trasferiscono a Bologna dal .

    6. Paolo frequenta la scuola elementare

    7. Romano Prodi è stato presidente della Commissione europea

    8. Paolo ha frequentato la scuola

    9. Paolo si diploma vent'anni.

    10. Paolo andrà negli Stati Uniti nel

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Adverbs of time and prepositions
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topics : Adverbs | Prepositions | All our lessons and exercises