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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #95218
    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Find the correct tense [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Reflexive verbs - Future Tense - Past - Length - Lo spostamento nel tempo - Subjunctive? #2 - Irregular verb : volere - Pronominal verbs
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    Simple Past (passato remoto)

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    Italian exercise "Simple Past (passato remoto)" created by sottav with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from sottav]
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    1. ESSERE (être) : io .

    2. AVERE (avoir) : io .

    3. VOLERE (vouloir) : io .

    4. PARLARE (parler) : io .

    5. DOVERE (devoir) : io .

    6. PARTIRE (partir) : io .

    7. CAPIRE (comprendre) : io .

    8. ANDARE (aller) : io .

    9. DARE (donner) : io .

    10. FARE (faire) : io .

    11. STARE (rester, être) : io .

    12. CERCARE (chercher) : io .

    13. PAGARE (payer) : io .

    14. COMINCIARE (commencer) : io .

    15. CREARE (créer) : io .

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Simple Past (passato remoto)
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Find the correct tense | All our lessons and exercises