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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #92498

    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Find the word [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Worksheet -Body words - Verbs - Suffixes - Actions - Song-Vocabulary - Christmas - At the bar - Animals & men -2-
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Last vowel

    L'ultima vocale - 1

    Completate con la desinenza mancante.

    Occhio ai trabocchetti e, eventualmente, agli accenti!

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    Italian exercise "Last vowel" created by bya56 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bya56]
    Click here to see the current stats of this Italian test

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    To insert special letters:

    1. Un televisor a color .

    2. Un vis allegr .

    3. Un'amic frances .

    4. Uno student belg .

    5. Una citt grec .

    6. Un uom ottimist .

    7. Un caff strett .

    8. Una cantant sopran .

    9. Un'insegnant tedesc .

    10. Un attor comic .

    11. Un colleg giornalist .

    12. Una cartolin illustrat .

    13. Un pianist ingles .

    14. Una ragazz torines .

    15. Una radi nuov .

    16. Un'universit per stranier .

    17. Un armadi di legn pregiat .

    18. Un american di color .

    19. Una bell mot giappones .

    20. Un brindis per i nuov spos !

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Last vowel
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Find the word | All our lessons and exercises