![]() | > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Idioms [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Idioms: diavolo - Idioms - Musical instruments names : male or feminine? - Perché, poiché, siccome, perciò - Common mistakes - Dire (to say) various meanings - Speak correctely -2 - - What's on the television tonight? | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
Gettare alle ortiche : Ortiche
Gettare fumo negli occhi : Fumo
Gettare in pasto alle belve : Pasto (pâture, nourriture), Belve
Gridare al lupo : Alarmer pour rien.
Gridare ai quattro venti : Rendre publique, divulguer.
Guardare la pagliuzza nell'occhio altrui : Pagliuzza (paillette d'or), voir les défauts des autres, mais pas les siens.
Guardare le mosche che volano : Mosche(mouches), ne rien faire, être oisif.
Guardare in cagnesco : Cagnesco.
Guardare di sbieco : Sbieco.
Guardare dall'alto in basso

Italian exercise "Idioms" created by michou56 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from michou56]
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A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
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