![]() | > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Buying in a shop [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Bilingual dialogue : Buying shoes - Shopping - At the market | |
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Shop - Italian lesson
Andiamo a fare compere!
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L'ascensore | La banconota (da 20 euro) | Il camerino | La cassa | La gruccia | La chiave |
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Il cliente | La scala mobile | Il resto | La moneta | Il portafoglio o il portafogli | Il commesso | Assistenza clienti |
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Il borsellino o il portamonete | I reparti | La commessa | I vestiti | Il carrello | Il gettone del carrello |
Adesso divertitevi. coraggio!

Italian exercise "Shop" created by michou56 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from michou56]
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A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Buying in a shop | All our lessons and exercises