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House - Vocabulary - Italian lesson
Sapreste dire i diversi luoghi di una casa?
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The drive | The balcony | The office | The cellar | The bedroom | The corridor | The kitchen |
Il viale | Il balcone | Lo studio | La cantina | La camera | Il corridoio | La cucina |
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The shower | The hall | The stairs | The window | The garage | The attic | The door |
La doccia | L'ingresso | La scala | La finestra | La rimessa | La soffitta | La porta |
The chimney | The front | The lawn | The dining-room | The living-room | The roller blind |
Il camino | La facciata | Il prato all'inglese | La sala da pranzo | Il salone | tende da sole |
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The fire place | The bathroom | The shutter | The roof | The toilet | the terrace |
Il camino | Il bagno | La persiana | Il tetto | Il water | La terrazza |

Italian exercise "House - Vocabulary" created by michou56 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from michou56]
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