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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #16706

    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Numbers [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Numbers - Numbers - Numbers from 0 to 20 - Numbers 1-30 - Numbers from 0 to 20 - Additions - Ordinal numbers - Numbers
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Numers - Italian lesson


    numeri cardinali                numeri ordinali 

    0                           - zero

    1                           - uno                             1°                        - primo

    2                           - due                             2°                        - secondo

    3                           -  tre                              3°                        - terzo

    4                           - quattro                         4°                        - quarto

    5                           - cinque                          5°                        - quinto

    6                           - sei  6°                        - sesto

    7                           - sette                            7°                        - settimo

    8                           - otto                              8°                        - ottavo

    9                           - nove                             9°                        - nono

    10                         - dieci                              10°                      - decimo

    11                         - undici                            11°                      - undicesimo

    12                         - dodici                            12°                      - dodicesimo

    13                         - tredici                            13°                      - tredicesimo

    14                         - quattordici                      14°                      - quattordicesimo

    15                         - quindici                          15°                      - quindicesimo

    16                         - sedici                             16°                      - sedicesimo

    17                         - diciassette                      17°                      - diciassettesimo

    18                         - diciotto                           18°                      - diciottesimo

    19                         - diciannove                       19°                     - diciannovesimo

    20                         - venti   20°                     - ventesimo


    21                         - ventuno                           21°                     - ventunesimo

    22                         - ventidue                           22°                    - ventiduesimo

    28                         - ventotto                           28°                     - ventottesimo


    30                         - trenta   30°                    - trentesimo

    40                         - quaranta                           40°                    - quarantesimo

    50                         - cinquanta                          50°                    - cinquantesimo

    60                         - sessanta                           60°                    - sessantesimo

    70                         - settanta                            70°                    - settantesimo


    80                         - ottanta                              80°                   - ottantesimo

    90                         - novanta                             90°                   - novantesimo

    100                       - cento  100°                 - centesimo

    200                       - duecento                            200°                 - duecentesimo

    300                       - trecento                              300°                 - trecentesimo

    400                       - quattrocento                        400°                 - quattrocentesimo

    500                       - cinquecento                         500°                 - cinquecentesimo

    600                       - seicento                              600°                 - seicentesimo

    700                       - settecento                           700°                 - settecentesimo

    800                       - ottocento                             800°                 - ottocentesimo

    900                       - novecento                            900°                 - novecentesimo

    1.000                    - mille  1.000°               - millesimo

    2.000                    - duemila   2.000°              - duemillesimo

    3.000                    - tremila  3.000°               - tremillesimo

    10.000                   - diecimila                              10.000°             - diecimillesimo

    100.000                 - centomila                             100.000°           - centomillesimo

    1.000.000              - milione  ( un milione)            1.000.000°        - milionesimo        - miliardo ( un miliardo)    - miliardesimo


    Cento (100)   duecento ( 200 ), quattrocento (400);

    Mille =>  Mila: tremila (3.000), centomila ( 100.000).     

    Warning :

    200 000 duecentomila

    200 000ème duecentomillesimo

      Numeri frazionari  

    1/2    -  un mezzo

    1/3    -  un terzo

    1/4    -  un quarto

    1/5    -  un quinto    ecc.....      

    The smallest at the top.

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