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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #126830
    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Find the correct tense [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Reflexive verbs - Future Tense - Past - Length - Lo spostamento nel tempo - Subjunctive? #2 - Irregular verb : volere - Pronominal verbs
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    Imperfenct tense - Examples




     Put sentences in order.   


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    Italian exercise "Imperfenct tense - Examples" created by chilla with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chilla]
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    Click on words to build sentences. Click on boxes to start again.

    I went shopping every day.

    When I was young, I played a lot of sports,

    yet I smoked, not much actually!

    I used to swim twice a week.

    I had very nice neighbors.

    He drank a lot, but only water!

    I admired my father very much.

    When I was little, I wanted a black cat.

    My mother always encouraged me.

    As a child, my son was a talker.

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Imperfenct tense - Examples
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Find the correct tense | All our lessons and exercises