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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #126376

    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Negation [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Negative form : The little Prince - Negation - Negations-A1 - Anche, neanche - Negation - Negation - Pronouns & adverbs: ne-né, no, non - Non / Né...
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    Negative sentences

      No, I don't want to! 


    In Italian, the negative sentence is very simple: just add "non" before the verb. 


    Voglio andare a casa  (I want to go home)

    Non voglio andare a casa (I don't want to go home)


    When switching from one form of sentence to another, remember:




    mai  :

    Ho '

    sempre' fame (I'm always hungry)

    Non ho

    mai fame (I am never hungry)


    - the negative imperative is formed with non + infinitive mood, as in:

    Mangia! (Eat!)

    Non mangiare! (Don't eat!)


    Change the sentences from positive to negative form. 




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    Italian exercise "Negative sentences" created by chilla with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chilla]
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    Click on words to build sentences. Click on boxes to start again.

    1.Ho tanti amici.

    2.La tua casa è molto luminosa.

    3.Oggi vado a scuola.

    4.La tua presenza mi intimorisce.

    5.Ti è piaciuto il film?

    6.Marco? Lo vedo sempre!

    7.Sabrina vive in Svizzera da anni.

    8.Loro hanno sempre detto la verità

    9.Perché dobbiamo raccontare a tutti dove siamo stati?

    10.Hai fiducia in me? Allora fai quel che ti dico di fare!

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Negative sentences
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Negation | All our lessons and exercises