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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #112647

    > Other Italian exercises on the same topics: Articles | Literature | Prepositions [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Articles: Placement Test - Definite articles - Contracted articles - Contracted articles - Definite articles - Contracted articles - Definite articles - 'ci' / 'ne'
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    Articles, prepositions and prepositional articles

    Articles, prepositions and prepositional articles

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    Italian exercise "Articles, prepositions and prepositional articles" created by bya56 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bya56]
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    televisione quell'epoca, e noi, uomini fiume, era sorta incantesimo che si

    rinnovava ogni giorno imbrunire e cui noi tutti vivevamo stregati.

    Dentro quella scatola c'era mondo… C'erano romanzi puntate, tutte sere domenica, tratti

    più grandi opere letterarie ogni tempo e ogni paese. C'erano alcuni spettacoli ridere, altri

    piangere e noi, docili, ridevamo, piangevamo, poi tornavamo ridere se programmista ce lo permettteva; se no, andavamo

    dormire mogi mogi.

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Articles, prepositions and prepositional articles
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topics : Articles | Literature | Prepositions | All our lessons and exercises