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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #62803
    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Pronunciation [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Parole tronche - Stressed syllables - Accento tonico - Pronunciation - Pronunciation - Accento - Accento - Stess
    > Double-click on words you don't understand


    Scegliete la buona accentuazione 

    Enter the number of the syllable on which you should put the stress.



    Warning: syllables are numbered from the end of the word.

    eg.: di -  zio  - na  -  rio

          4  -  3    -  2    -  1   


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    Italian exercise "Stress" created by mondets with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from mondets]
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    1. un vescovo (un évêque) ve/sco/vo

    2. una regola (règle) re/go/la

    3. una curvatura (une courbure) cur/va/tu/ra

    4. un'immagine (une image) im/ma/gi/ne

    5. essere (être) es/se/re

    6. un genero (un gendre) ge/ne/ro

    7. crescere (croître) cre/sce/re

    8. un numero (un nombre) nu/me/ro

    9. risolvere (résoudre) ri/sol/ve/re

    10. un asino (un âne) a/si/no

    11. un'aquila (un aigle) a/qui/la

    12. un popolo (un peuple) po/po/lo

    13. un'avaria (une avarie) a/va/ri/a

    14. cattivo (méchant, mauvais) cat/ti/vo

    15. giacere (être couché, être situé) gia/ce/re

    16. avere (avoir) a/ve/re

    17. una camera (une chambre) ca/me/ra

    18. una costipazione (une constipation ; un rhume) co/sti/pa/zio/ne

    19. un principe (un prince) prin/ci/pe

    20. un'immunità (une immunité) im/mu/ni/tà

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Stress
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Pronunciation | All our lessons and exercises