![]() | > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Cars [Change theme] |
> Similar tests: - Cars - Accident - Pitti Palace (Italy) - On the road-Vocabulary | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
L'esterno della macchina
il cofano |
le gomme |
i lampeggiatori |
le luci |
le maniglie |
il parabrezza |
la portiera |
i retrovisori |
la targa |
i tergicristalli |
i vetri |
L'interno della macchina
i pedali |
la radio |
il riscaldatore |
la scatola del cambio |
il sedile anteriore |
il volante |

Italian exercise "Car" created by nick27 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from nick27]
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A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
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