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Inevitable time
Inevitable time !
We can't stop time, but we can speak about him, describe it, place it.
1 - To go back in time Ieri yesterday Ieri l'altro day after tomorrow l'altro ieri day after tomorrow Una volta once/ previously Un tempo once/préviously Prima before
To stay in the present Per ora for now Adesso now Finora until now Ora now Per adesso so far Oggi today Oggigiorno these day Subito right now
To project oneself into the future Più tardi later Dopo after/then Dopodomani the next day domani tomorrow
Flow of time Durante for/during Tra/fra between Entro within Per for/during Da since
Complete the sentences with the good adverb or preposition. |

Italian exercise "Inevitable time" created by chilla with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chilla]
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