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    Learn Italian > Italian lessons and exercises > Italian test #108489

    > Other Italian exercises on the same topic: Genitive [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Possessive adjectives - Possession: mio, tuo, miei, tuoi - Possessive adjectives - Possessive adjectives - Articles, pronouns .. and the kin. - Possessive adjectives - Possive adjectives - Articles, pronouns .. and the kin. (2)
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    Pronoun and possessive adjective


    Complete the sentences with the appropriate pronoun or possessive adjective.



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    Italian exercise "Pronoun and possessive adjective" created by chilla with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chilla]
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    1. La Display virtual keyboard interface (ma) amica oggi non mi ha chiamata.

    2. I Display virtual keyboard interface (tes) pantaloni sono troppo grandi.

    3. Le scarpe che più brillano sono quelle Display virtual keyboard interface (tiennes).

    4. I Display virtual keyboard interface (ses) vicini sono troppo curiosi.

    5. Le Display virtual keyboard interface (vos) madri sono coraggiose.

    6. I Display virtual keyboard interface (vos) cugini sono molto simpatici.

    7. Le Display virtual keyboard interface (mes) vacanze sono finite.

    8. I Display virtual keyboard interface (tes) discorsi non hanno senso.

    9. Queste bambole sono Display virtual keyboard interface (siennes).

    10. Il cane che abbaia di notte è il Display virtual keyboard interface (sien).

    End of the free exercise to learn Italian: Pronoun and possessive adjective
    A free Italian exercise to learn Italian.
    Other Italian exercises on the same topic : Genitive | All our lessons and exercises