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Exercise "Seasons", created by bya56 (a free exercise to learn Italian):
Results of the 1 271 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 58.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): sottav / FRANCE, on Sunday 04 November - 15:37:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (1271 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 67 %
1. È inverno e *
Question 2 passed: 67.2 %
2. In primavera *
Question 3 passed: 54.8 %
3. D'estate, *
Question 4 passed: 52.6 %
4. L'autunno *
Question 5 passed: 58 %
5. Nevica spesso *
Question 6 passed: 60.2 %
6. I campi sono in fiore *
Question 7 passed: 46.2 %
7. L'estate, la fa da padrone *
Question 8 passed: 80.1 %
8. Con l'arrivo dell'autunno, *
Question 9 passed: 44.8 %
9. Le mezze stagioni sono *
Question 10 passed: 35.7 %
10. La stagione delle piogge e della siccità sono *
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