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Exercise "Idioms: the past", created by chilla (a free exercise to learn Italian):
Results of the 1 039 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 62.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): romain83 / FRANCE, on Friday 08 March - 10:05:
"Grazie mille. Mi piace"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (863 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 79.8 %
Guarda *, Oscar !
Question 2 passed: 56.8 %
Sei uscito dalla tua tana? Ma * ?
Question 3 passed: 58.1 %
* che non ti si vede più in giro!
Question 4 passed: 82.4 %
Sei in Afghanistan? Accidenti! Allora vediamoci *!
Question 5 passed: 58.5 %
* offrire una cenetta coi fiocchi
Question 6 passed: 54.7 %
e, questa volta, niente storie, te lo dico prima: * sarà mio!
Question 7 passed: 53.1 %
In cambio, spero che tu abbia tante cose da raccontarmi, *!
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