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    These tests : French tests Spanish tests English tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by nick27 with the online test builder (45 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Placement Test (534658 candidates)
    2. Subjunctive imperfect (congiuntivo imperfetto) (36442 candidates)
    3. Articles : contracted (27860 candidates)
    4. Present (25442 candidates)
    5. Like (18397 candidates)
    6. Personal pronouns (18008 candidates)
    7. C'è / ci sono (15568 candidates)
    8. Se + concordanza dei tempi (13631 candidates)
    9. Preposition - da (11870 candidates)
    10. Comparatives (9842 candidates)
    11. Right word (9752 candidates)
    12. Impersonal (9369 candidates)
    13. Past participles (6730 candidates)
    14. Imperfect (6693 candidates)
    15. Imperfect: 'essere' (6424 candidates)
    16. Future (6323 candidates)
    17. Gender (5790 candidates)
    18. Verbs (4747 candidates)
    19. Sequence of tenses (4736 candidates)
    20. Laura Pausini (4619 candidates)

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