tests by loureine with the online test builder (9 tests)
Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Appeler, rappeler, s'appeler (9638 candidates) 0 candidate today
2. Son ai - ou son é en fin de verbe (1861 candidates) 0 candidate today
3. Repérer un verbe conjugué (6241 candidates) 0 candidate today
4. Infinitif du verbe (1937 candidates) 0 candidate today
5. Verbes au passif (4088 candidates) 0 candidate today
6. Battre et bâtir (2103 candidates) 0 candidate today
7. Verbes essentiellement pronominaux (16168 candidates) 0 candidate today
8. Infinitif et ses 2 temps (2421 candidates) 0 candidate today
9. Fond, fonds, font (6233 candidates) 0 candidate today
Ranked by candidates (today) - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Appeler, rappeler, s'appeler (9638 candidates) 0 candidate today
2. Son ai - ou son é en fin de verbe (1861 candidates) 0 candidate today
3. Repérer un verbe conjugué (6241 candidates) 0 candidate today
4. Infinitif du verbe (1937 candidates) 0 candidate today
5. Verbes au passif (4088 candidates) 0 candidate today
6. Battre et bâtir (2103 candidates) 0 candidate today
7. Verbes essentiellement pronominaux (16168 candidates) 0 candidate today
8. Infinitif et ses 2 temps (2421 candidates) 0 candidate today
9. Fond, fonds, font (6233 candidates) 0 candidate today