tests by angelagabriella with the online test builder (13 tests)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Il Lago Maggiore (786 candidates)
2. Campione d'Italia (748 candidates)
3. Small trains (248 candidates)
4. Italian countries (805 candidates)
5. Contrabbando (1540 candidates)
6. Double pronouns (1192 candidates)
7. Right verb (900 candidates)
8. Memories (655 candidates)
9. Read and answer : Switzerland (556 candidates)
10. Missing verb (428 candidates)
11. Switzerland: Towns (413 candidates)
12. Giuseppe Ungaretti (220 candidates)
13. Giuseppe Ungaretti (166 candidates)
Ranked by TOP - By number of candidates | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | Waiting for approval |
1. Il Lago Maggiore (786 candidates)
2. Campione d'Italia (748 candidates)
3. Small trains (248 candidates)
4. Italian countries (805 candidates)
5. Contrabbando (1540 candidates)
6. Double pronouns (1192 candidates)
7. Right verb (900 candidates)
8. Memories (655 candidates)
9. Read and answer : Switzerland (556 candidates)
10. Missing verb (428 candidates)
11. Switzerland: Towns (413 candidates)
12. Giuseppe Ungaretti (220 candidates)
13. Giuseppe Ungaretti (166 candidates)