tests by terredefeu50 with the online test builder (15 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. By sail or by oar (2718 candidates)
2. Do It Yourself (6206 candidates)
3. Shellfishes and Crustaceans (2372 candidates)
4. Shells and crustaceans (2159 candidates)
5. Crew on a boat (1760 candidates)
6. Gardening (1603 candidates)
7. The legend of Mont-Saint-Michel (1384 candidates)
8. Sea states (1198 candidates)
9. Water fun on a sail board (1337 candidates)
10. Sea and fishes (7589 candidates)
11. Coastal and maritime environment (18564 candidates)
12. Mont Saint-Michel (1010 candidates)
13. Deep Sea Diving (4188 candidates)
14. Politeness at sea/Flag etiquette (1236 candidates)
15. Marine weather terminology (2159 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. By sail or by oar (2718 candidates)
2. Do It Yourself (6206 candidates)
3. Shellfishes and Crustaceans (2372 candidates)
4. Shells and crustaceans (2159 candidates)
5. Crew on a boat (1760 candidates)
6. Gardening (1603 candidates)
7. The legend of Mont-Saint-Michel (1384 candidates)
8. Sea states (1198 candidates)
9. Water fun on a sail board (1337 candidates)
10. Sea and fishes (7589 candidates)
11. Coastal and maritime environment (18564 candidates)
12. Mont Saint-Michel (1010 candidates)
13. Deep Sea Diving (4188 candidates)
14. Politeness at sea/Flag etiquette (1236 candidates)
15. Marine weather terminology (2159 candidates)