tests by ng with the online test builder (21 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. 'Andare a' / 'Andare in' ? (4721 candidates)
2. Adjective or past participle? (2698 candidates)
3. Comparisons (3210 candidates)
4. Subordinate clauses (1070 candidates)
5. O (126 candidates)
6. Grammar, several themes (1037 candidates)
7. Grammar; several themes 2 (796 candidates)
8. Revision (786 candidates)
9. Impersonal (14513 candidates)
10. Impersonal (3126 candidates)
11. Present participle or gerund? (2112 candidates)
12. Personal pronouns (combinated) (3823 candidates)
13. Combinated personal pronouns (1194 candidates)
14. Se + conditional (1683 candidates)
15. The verb tense (1572 candidates)
16. Impersonal sentences: si (1322 candidates)
17. Pronominal /reflexive verbs 1 (709 candidates)
18. Pronominal verbs 2 (395 candidates)
19. Pronominal/Reflexive verbs 3 (365 candidates)
20. Reflexive verbs 4 (383 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. 'Andare a' / 'Andare in' ? (4721 candidates)
2. Adjective or past participle? (2698 candidates)
3. Comparisons (3210 candidates)
4. Subordinate clauses (1070 candidates)
5. O (126 candidates)
6. Grammar, several themes (1037 candidates)
7. Grammar; several themes 2 (796 candidates)
8. Revision (786 candidates)
9. Impersonal (14513 candidates)
10. Impersonal (3126 candidates)
11. Present participle or gerund? (2112 candidates)
12. Personal pronouns (combinated) (3823 candidates)
13. Combinated personal pronouns (1194 candidates)
14. Se + conditional (1683 candidates)
15. The verb tense (1572 candidates)
16. Impersonal sentences: si (1322 candidates)
17. Pronominal /reflexive verbs 1 (709 candidates)
18. Pronominal verbs 2 (395 candidates)
19. Pronominal/Reflexive verbs 3 (365 candidates)
20. Reflexive verbs 4 (383 candidates)
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