tests by maline with the online test builder (25 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Impersonal forms (3631 candidates)
2. Adverbs (5701 candidates)
3. Alphabet (6320 candidates)
4. Coffee (855 candidates)
5. Colors (1074 candidates)
6. Dialogue in the restaurant (2761 candidates)
7. Holidays: dialogue (1693 candidates)
8. Dictation: free time (4440 candidates)
9. Dictation (1193 candidates)
10. Past tense (1043 candidates)
11. Medias (1251 candidates)
12. Interrogative sentence (1494 candidates)
13. Adverbs of time and prepositions (1211 candidates)
14. Infinitive tense (2960 candidates)
15. Quel temps verbal ? (958 candidates)
16. La passeggiata / Federico Moccia (495 candidates)
17. Pronouns (6486 candidates)
18. Sleeping when driving = no (524 candidates)
19. Present: irregular verbs (17631 candidates)
20. Words (1164 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Impersonal forms (3631 candidates)
2. Adverbs (5701 candidates)
3. Alphabet (6320 candidates)
4. Coffee (855 candidates)
5. Colors (1074 candidates)
6. Dialogue in the restaurant (2761 candidates)
7. Holidays: dialogue (1693 candidates)
8. Dictation: free time (4440 candidates)
9. Dictation (1193 candidates)
10. Past tense (1043 candidates)
11. Medias (1251 candidates)
12. Interrogative sentence (1494 candidates)
13. Adverbs of time and prepositions (1211 candidates)
14. Infinitive tense (2960 candidates)
15. Quel temps verbal ? (958 candidates)
16. La passeggiata / Federico Moccia (495 candidates)
17. Pronouns (6486 candidates)
18. Sleeping when driving = no (524 candidates)
19. Present: irregular verbs (17631 candidates)
20. Words (1164 candidates)
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