tests by jod47 with the online test builder (106 tests)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Gli etruschi -3- (2019 candidates)
2. 'SI' : passive or impersonal (3804 candidates)
3. Past participles (4259 candidates)
4. Demonstrative adjectives - A1 (2302 candidates)
5. Adverbs (1691 candidates)
6. Adverbs (2037 candidates)
7. Say "yes" otherwise (5931 candidates)
8. Piacere/Amare (7821 candidates)
9. Grammar (2338 candidates)
10. Attribute (958 candidates)
11. Grammar III (705 candidates)
12. Grammar IV (491 candidates)
13. ANALISI GRAMMATICALE V (571 candidates)
14. Grammar (637 candidates)
15. Animals & baby animals (1506 candidates)
16. Torero! (450 candidates)
17. Subjunctive present (4436 candidates)
18. Fall (374 candidates)
19. "Di" or "nothing"? (2334 candidates)
20. Comparisons (2041 candidates)
Ranked by title - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Gli etruschi -3- (2019 candidates)
2. 'SI' : passive or impersonal (3804 candidates)
3. Past participles (4259 candidates)
4. Demonstrative adjectives - A1 (2302 candidates)
5. Adverbs (1691 candidates)
6. Adverbs (2037 candidates)
7. Say "yes" otherwise (5931 candidates)
8. Piacere/Amare (7821 candidates)
9. Grammar (2338 candidates)
10. Attribute (958 candidates)
11. Grammar III (705 candidates)
12. Grammar IV (491 candidates)
13. ANALISI GRAMMATICALE V (571 candidates)
14. Grammar (637 candidates)
15. Animals & baby animals (1506 candidates)
16. Torero! (450 candidates)
17. Subjunctive present (4436 candidates)
18. Fall (374 candidates)
19. "Di" or "nothing"? (2334 candidates)
20. Comparisons (2041 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Next >> |