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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by rayanlila with the online test builder (64 tests)
    Ranked by average - Par ordre de popularité | By ID | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    1. Durante/ mentre (5870 candidates) (moyenne = 17.2)
    2. Piacere (3243 candidates) (moyenne = 15.9)
    3. Imperfect (4541 candidates) (moyenne = 15.7)
    4. Subjunctive present (2300 candidates) (moyenne = 15.2)
    5. Plane (3165 candidates) (moyenne = 14.8)
    6. Tenses: honeymoon (785 candidates) (moyenne = 14.7)
    7. Fra-Da-Fa (5296 candidates) (moyenne = 14.5)
    8. Build these sentences (711 candidates) (moyenne = 14.5)
    9. Pronoun 'cui' (1319 candidates) (moyenne = 14.1)
    10. Foreign words (465 candidates) (moyenne = 14)
    11. Prepositions (1123 candidates) (moyenne = 13.9)
    12. Estate agents : Vocabulary (1637 candidates) (moyenne = 13.4)
    13. Ci vuole/Ci vogliono/E' necessario-Sono necessari /Serve-Ser (3437 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
    14. Wedding (2133 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
    15. Prepositions (2637 candidates) (moyenne = 13.3)
    16. Dictation : Santo Natale voglio (819 candidates) (moyenne = 13.2)
    17. Comparing (1053 candidates) (moyenne = 13.1)
    18. Conoscere -Sapere (8687 candidates) (moyenne = 12.9)
    19. Plural (1391 candidates) (moyenne = 12.9)
    20. Holidays (1998 candidates) (moyenne = 12.8)

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