tests by terredefeu50 with the online test builder (15 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Coastal and maritime environment (18564 candidates)
2. Sea and fishes (7589 candidates)
3. Do It Yourself (6206 candidates)
4. Deep Sea Diving (4188 candidates)
5. By sail or by oar (2718 candidates)
6. Shellfishes and Crustaceans (2372 candidates)
7. Marine weather terminology (2159 candidates)
8. Shells and crustaceans (2159 candidates)
9. Crew on a boat (1760 candidates)
10. Gardening (1603 candidates)
11. The legend of Mont-Saint-Michel (1384 candidates)
12. Water fun on a sail board (1337 candidates)
13. Politeness at sea/Flag etiquette (1236 candidates)
14. Sea states (1198 candidates)
15. Mont Saint-Michel (1010 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Coastal and maritime environment (18564 candidates)
2. Sea and fishes (7589 candidates)
3. Do It Yourself (6206 candidates)
4. Deep Sea Diving (4188 candidates)
5. By sail or by oar (2718 candidates)
6. Shellfishes and Crustaceans (2372 candidates)
7. Marine weather terminology (2159 candidates)
8. Shells and crustaceans (2159 candidates)
9. Crew on a boat (1760 candidates)
10. Gardening (1603 candidates)
11. The legend of Mont-Saint-Michel (1384 candidates)
12. Water fun on a sail board (1337 candidates)
13. Politeness at sea/Flag etiquette (1236 candidates)
14. Sea states (1198 candidates)
15. Mont Saint-Michel (1010 candidates)