tests by loureine with the online test builder (9 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Verbes essentiellement pronominaux (16168 candidates)
2. Appeler, rappeler, s'appeler (9638 candidates)
3. Repérer un verbe conjugué (6241 candidates)
4. Fond, fonds, font (6233 candidates)
5. Verbes au passif (4088 candidates)
6. Infinitif et ses 2 temps (2421 candidates)
7. Battre et bâtir (2103 candidates)
8. Infinitif du verbe (1937 candidates)
9. Son ai - ou son é en fin de verbe (1861 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Verbes essentiellement pronominaux (16168 candidates)
2. Appeler, rappeler, s'appeler (9638 candidates)
3. Repérer un verbe conjugué (6241 candidates)
4. Fond, fonds, font (6233 candidates)
5. Verbes au passif (4088 candidates)
6. Infinitif et ses 2 temps (2421 candidates)
7. Battre et bâtir (2103 candidates)
8. Infinitif du verbe (1937 candidates)
9. Son ai - ou son é en fin de verbe (1861 candidates)