tests by elesa with the online test builder (51 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Present Perfect (passato prossimo): essere/avere (15900 candidates)
2. Imperfect (9327 candidates)
3. Definite articles (6553 candidates)
4. Jobs (5424 candidates)
5. Present Perfect (passato prossimo) (4844 candidates)
6. Lost in the town (4478 candidates)
7. Imperfect (4425 candidates)
8. Superlative (4094 candidates)
9. Human body (3685 candidates)
10. Animals (3549 candidates)
11. Clothes (3382 candidates)
12. Future (3315 candidates)
13. Dictation: at school (3259 candidates)
14. Dictation : La Befana (3178 candidates)
15. Coffee shop (3112 candidates)
16. Entering a house (3068 candidates)
17. Present (2995 candidates)
18. The Earth (2863 candidates)
19. Restaurant (2584 candidates)
20. In my house - vocabulary (2393 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Present Perfect (passato prossimo): essere/avere (15900 candidates)
2. Imperfect (9327 candidates)
3. Definite articles (6553 candidates)
4. Jobs (5424 candidates)
5. Present Perfect (passato prossimo) (4844 candidates)
6. Lost in the town (4478 candidates)
7. Imperfect (4425 candidates)
8. Superlative (4094 candidates)
9. Human body (3685 candidates)
10. Animals (3549 candidates)
11. Clothes (3382 candidates)
12. Future (3315 candidates)
13. Dictation: at school (3259 candidates)
14. Dictation : La Befana (3178 candidates)
15. Coffee shop (3112 candidates)
16. Entering a house (3068 candidates)
17. Present (2995 candidates)
18. The Earth (2863 candidates)
19. Restaurant (2584 candidates)
20. In my house - vocabulary (2393 candidates)
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