tests by rayanlila with the online test builder (64 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Subjunctive present (2285 candidates)
2. Foreign words (463 candidates)
3. Being polite (2187 candidates)
4. Build these sentences (707 candidates)
5. Singular/plural (1048 candidates)
6. Tenses (11446 candidates)
7. Tenses (1466 candidates)
8. Sequence of tenses (496 candidates)
9. Tenses (7334 candidates)
10. Future (1509 candidates)
11. Prepositions (2633 candidates)
12. Prepositions (1119 candidates)
13. Cui (2471 candidates)
14. Wedding (2112 candidates)
15. Conjugation (930 candidates)
16. Tenses (2098 candidates)
17. Expressions (1047 candidates)
18. Pronoun 'cui' (1297 candidates)
19. Dictation : Santo Natale voglio (812 candidates)
20. Combinated pronouns (2547 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Subjunctive present (2285 candidates)
2. Foreign words (463 candidates)
3. Being polite (2187 candidates)
4. Build these sentences (707 candidates)
5. Singular/plural (1048 candidates)
6. Tenses (11446 candidates)
7. Tenses (1466 candidates)
8. Sequence of tenses (496 candidates)
9. Tenses (7334 candidates)
10. Future (1509 candidates)
11. Prepositions (2633 candidates)
12. Prepositions (1119 candidates)
13. Cui (2471 candidates)
14. Wedding (2112 candidates)
15. Conjugation (930 candidates)
16. Tenses (2098 candidates)
17. Expressions (1047 candidates)
18. Pronoun 'cui' (1297 candidates)
19. Dictation : Santo Natale voglio (812 candidates)
20. Combinated pronouns (2547 candidates)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Next >> |