tests by olivia07 with the online test builder (36 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. La Befana (3096 candidates)
2. Adamo (1909 candidates)
3. Le grandi vie di comunicazione (175 candidates)
4. Transports (553 candidates)
5. World of work (835 candidates)
6. Impersonal (1715 candidates)
7. Italian country (1482 candidates)
8. Complete: An ordinary day (368 candidates)
9. Leisure time (1068 candidates)
10. Fashion (1528 candidates)
11. Children (607 candidates)
12. Palio di Siena (745 candidates)
13. Buon appetito! (1311 candidates)
14. Plural: difficult (1737 candidates)
15. Jovanotti (514 candidates)
16. L'uovo pił bello (280 candidates)
17. Dictation: farm (760 candidates)
18. Passive voice (1747 candidates)
19. Mixed vegetables (1421 candidates)
20. Pasta with vegetables (655 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. La Befana (3096 candidates)
2. Adamo (1909 candidates)
3. Le grandi vie di comunicazione (175 candidates)
4. Transports (553 candidates)
5. World of work (835 candidates)
6. Impersonal (1715 candidates)
7. Italian country (1482 candidates)
8. Complete: An ordinary day (368 candidates)
9. Leisure time (1068 candidates)
10. Fashion (1528 candidates)
11. Children (607 candidates)
12. Palio di Siena (745 candidates)
13. Buon appetito! (1311 candidates)
14. Plural: difficult (1737 candidates)
15. Jovanotti (514 candidates)
16. L'uovo pił bello (280 candidates)
17. Dictation: farm (760 candidates)
18. Passive voice (1747 candidates)
19. Mixed vegetables (1421 candidates)
20. Pasta with vegetables (655 candidates)
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