tests by elesa with the online test builder (51 tests)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Animals (1751 candidates)
2. Bathroom - vocabulary (830 candidates)
3. Bathroom (922 candidates)
4. Superlative (4095 candidates)
5. Italo Calvino - La camicia dell'uomo contento (1361 candidates)
6. Masculine/ feminine? (2123 candidates)
7. Comparisons (1027 candidates)
8. Clothes (3382 candidates)
9. Jobs (809 candidates)
10. In my house - vocabulary (2393 candidates)
11. The Earth (2863 candidates)
12. Idioms (496 candidates)
13. Durante/per (1224 candidates)
14. C'è - ci sono (1854 candidates)
15. Entering a house (3068 candidates)
16. Animals (3549 candidates)
17. Animals (2043 candidates)
18. Simple past - irregular verbs (1458 candidates)
19. Simple past (1106 candidates)
20. Future (3315 candidates)
Ranked by ID - By candidates | By average | By alphabetical order | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
1. Animals (1751 candidates)
2. Bathroom - vocabulary (830 candidates)
3. Bathroom (922 candidates)
4. Superlative (4095 candidates)
5. Italo Calvino - La camicia dell'uomo contento (1361 candidates)
6. Masculine/ feminine? (2123 candidates)
7. Comparisons (1027 candidates)
8. Clothes (3382 candidates)
9. Jobs (809 candidates)
10. In my house - vocabulary (2393 candidates)
11. The Earth (2863 candidates)
12. Idioms (496 candidates)
13. Durante/per (1224 candidates)
14. C'è - ci sono (1854 candidates)
15. Entering a house (3068 candidates)
16. Animals (3549 candidates)
17. Animals (2043 candidates)
18. Simple past - irregular verbs (1458 candidates)
19. Simple past (1106 candidates)
20. Future (3315 candidates)
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