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    These tests : Italian tests All
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    tests by bya56 with the online test builder (493 tests)

    81. 'Dare', different meanings -1- (519 candidates)
    82. "To make", different meaning 2 (279 candidates)
    83. 'Fare': meanings (291 candidates)
    84. Avere (696 candidates)
    85. Essere (538 candidates)
    86. Neighbours (604 candidates)
    87. Fenêtres sont des yeux (Les) (289 candidates)
    88. A new law (170 candidates)
    89. Summer camp (199 candidates)
    90. Difficult decision (979 candidates)
    91. La casa della mia infanzia -Comprensione (450 candidates)
    92. 'Grande': meanings (674 candidates)
    93. 'Forte', différents sens (204 candidates)
    94. Affaire délicate (Une) (1756 candidates)
    95. 'Buono', meanings -2- (1130 candidates)
    96. 'Buono': meanings (993 candidates)
    97. 'Cosa': meanings (2) (288 candidates)
    98. 'Cosa', meanings (1) (498 candidates)
    99. Articles (484 candidates)
    100. Antonio is sick (1121 candidates)

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