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    These tests : Italian tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by bya56 with the online test builder (493 tests)

    201. At school, introducing oneself (2180 candidates)
    202. Potere, dovere, volere (passato remoto) (797 candidates)
    203. Conditional: Potere, dovere et volere (3026 candidates)
    204. Futur: Potere, dovere, volere (1423 candidates)
    205. Present of : can, able to, want (5405 candidates)
    206. Present (2003 candidates)
    207. Vocabulary -2- (469 candidates)
    208. Vocabulary -1- (440 candidates)
    209. Present : potere/sapere -2- (663 candidates)
    210. Present : potere / sapere ? -1- (2730 candidates)
    211. Past perfect simple with TO BE (2330 candidates)
    212. From present to Past tense (663 candidates)
    213. Simple Past (passato remoto): essere (2155 candidates)
    214. Present Perfect (passato prossimo): avere (5322 candidates)
    215. Present or past (388 candidates)
    216. Modals (past) (998 candidates)
    217. Verbes modaux + verbes pronominaux au présent (3722 candidates)
    218. What tense? (307 candidates)
    219. Right choice 2 (201 candidates)
    220. Chi cerca trova -2- (249 candidates)

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