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    These tests : Italian tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by bya56 with the online test builder (493 tests)

    421. Past tenses (3045 candidates)
    422. Past perfect or pluperfect (905 candidates)
    423. Révision (4698 candidates)
    424. Révision (3124 candidates)
    425. Natalia Ginsburg (201 candidates)
    426. Mots de la tribu (Les)-1- Natalia Ginsburg (293 candidates)
    427. Italo Calvino (544 candidates)
    428. Find the right word (1132 candidates)
    429. Several topics (3812 candidates)
    430. Elision et apocope (721 candidates)
    431. Dictation : L'Italia del dolore (1201 candidates)
    432. Monosyllables: accent, apostrophe / nothing (637 candidates)
    433. Monosyllables: accents, apostrophe or nothing (1325 candidates)
    434. Fable : The goatherd and the wild goats (254 candidates)
    435. Il cieco (Fedro) (426 candidates)
    436. I pescatori che pescarono pietre (160 candidates)
    437. Fable : The eagle and the carrion crow (556 candidates)
    438. La volpe e l'uva (Fedro) (215 candidates)
    439. I due muli e i briganti (257 candidates)
    440. Dictation : The monkey and the fishermen (226 candidates)

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