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    These tests : French tests English tests Italian tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by voyager with the online test builder (86 tests)

    41. Accents sur la lettre 'e' (32149 candidates)
    42. Bl - cl - fl - gl - pl (3692 candidates)
    43. Verbes en DRE au présent (50319 candidates)
    44. Demonstrative adjectives (2832 candidates)
    45. Personal pronouns (2349 candidates)
    46. Mes copines (2957 candidates)
    47. Indefinite articles (6195 candidates)
    48. Molto (2253 candidates)
    49. Interrogative pronouns (786 candidates)
    50. Future: avere/essere (3995 candidates)
    51. An - am - en - em (39407 candidates)
    52. présent : L' homme des cavernes (939 candidates)
    53. Au présent (2840 candidates)
    54. Personal pronouns (6115 candidates)
    55. Ce - cette - ces (5027 candidates)
    56. Reflexive pronouns (1005 candidates)
    57. Possessive adjectives (18466 candidates)
    58. Qui fait quoi ? (2418 candidates)
    59. In - Im - Ym (2622 candidates)
    60. 'quando' /'quanto' (3271 candidates)

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