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    These tests : French tests English tests Italian tests All
    Find this word: (ONE word in the title)

    tests by voyager with the online test builder (86 tests)

    1. Auguri donna (367 candidates)
    2. Frères - Fratelli (328 candidates)
    3. Springtime (420 candidates)
    4. Primavera (339 candidates)
    5. Ode to woman (348 candidates)
    6. Auguri a te, donna! (415 candidates)
    7. Dictation (415 candidates)
    8. Homonymes (Les) (541 candidates)
    9. Complete the text (2479 candidates)
    10. Present Perfect (passato prossimo) (22355 candidates)
    11. Present - irregular (1107 candidates)
    12. Present - Irregular verbs (8079 candidates)
    13. Compound tenses and pronouns (949 candidates)
    14. Relative pronouns (919 candidates)
    15. Combinated pronouns (1261 candidates)
    16. Paf le chien . (32895 candidates)
    17. Participe passé en i/ie ou verbe en it (16979 candidates)
    18. Accord du verbe (6091 candidates)
    19. Noms en oir et oire (946 candidates)
    20. Conjuguer : En montagne (901 candidates)

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